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Rabu, 28 November 2012





A.   Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!
1.  Wisnu melambaikan tangannya. Berdasarkan pengertian gerak, Wisnu dikatakan …
a.  diam                                                                   c.  berpindah tempat
b.  bergerak                                                            d.  bergeser kedudukan
2.  Gerak matahari terbit dari Timur termasuk …
a.  gerak nisbi                                                       c.  gerak nyata
b.  gerak semu                                                     d.  gerak relatif
3.  Pemain bola yang sedang menggiring bola dikatakan bergerak terhadap …
a.  sepatunya                                                      c.  kakinya
b.  rumput di lapangan                                   d.  badannya
4.  Gerak revolusi bulan adalah …
a.  gerak lurus                                                     c.  gerak semu
b.  gerak melingkar                                          d.  gerak paraboloa
5.  Rafli berjalan sejauh 3 km. Bagi Rafli, nilai 3 km tersebut menyatakan …
a.  perpindahan                                                c.  jarak
b.  kedudukan                                                   d.  titik acuan
6.  Sebuah bus melaju di jalan tol dengan kecepatan tetap 60 m/s ke Timur. Jarak yang ditempuh bus tersebut dalam waktu 10 s adalah …
a.  6 km                                                              c.  600 m
b.  60 km                                                           d.  6.000 m
7.  Nanda menaiki motornya dengan kelajuan 72 km/jam. Bila dinyatakan dalam SI, kelajuan motor Nanda adalah …
a.  1 m/s                                                            c.  10 m/s
b.  5 m/s                                                           d.  20 m/s
8.  Perubahan kecepatan setiap sekon disebut …
a.  kecepatan                                                  c.  perpindahan
b.  percepatan                                               d.  kelajuan
9.  Gerak lurus beraturan (GLBB) memiliki …
a.  kecepatan tetap                                      c.  percepatan tetap
b.  percepatan berubah                             d.  kecepatan nol
10.  Pada gerak lurus, bila kecepatan diubah menjadi dua kali kecepatan semula, maka untuk menempuh jarak yang sama diperlukan waktu …
a.  4 kali semula                                          c.  1 kali semula
b.  2 kali semula                                          d.  1/2 kali semula

B.   Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan jawaban yang benar!
1.  Perubahan kedudukan terhadap titik acuan disebut……. (gerak)
2.  Alat ukur kelajuan pada sepeda motor adalah….. (speedometer)
3.  Sebuah benda bergerak dg kecepatan 12 m/s pada detik pertama. Pada detik kedua kecepatannya menjadi 16 m/s. Kecepatan rata-rata benda tersebut adalah ….. (4 m/s)
4.  Gerak lurus adalah……… (gerak suat benda dalam lintasan lurus)
5.  Gerak dengan lintasan lengkung disebut………. (parabola)
6.  Benda yang dilempar ke atas merupakan contoh……. (gerak lurus diperlambat beraturan)
7.  Sebuah kereta api melakukan GLB. Pada detik pertama kecepatan 5 m/s, pada detik kelima kecepatannya …….. m/s.  (25)
8.  Pernyataan:
     1) Buah Mangga jatuh dari pohonnya.
     2) Bersepeda menaiki jalan menanjak.
     3) Bola dilempar vertikal ke ata.
     4) Bola menuruni bidan miring.
Gerak lurus dipercepat beraturan ditunjukkan oleh pernyataan nomor ……….. (1 dan 4)
9.  Rizal pergi ke sekolah naik sepeda. Jarak dari rumah ke sekolah 1,8 km dan kecepatan rata-ratanya 3 m/s. Jika sekolah masuk pukul 07.00 agar tidak terlambat maka Rizal harus berangkat ke sekolah paling lambat pukul ………… (06.50)
10.  Panjang lintasan yang ditempuh benda selama geraknya disebut ………. (jarak)


1.      Which one of the following statements decribing the physical properties of the tire is INCORRECT………
a. It is made of rubber
b. It is strong and durable
c. The material used to make the tire is flexible and elastic
d. The material used to make the tire is agood thermal conductor
2.      When you are in the petrol station you always see the notice “ NO SMOKING” This indicates that fuel …
a. is flammable
b. is corrosive
c. is a pollutant
d. esaly react with oxygen

3.      The statements below are related to properties of materials
I.       Aluminium is lighter than copper
II.    Aluminium is less soluble in water than copper
III. Aluminium is harder than copper
Why is aluminium more recommended over copper for making overhead electrical cables?
a. I                         c. I and III
b. I , II and III      d. III

4.      Which one of the following is a chemical change?
a.       Iron covered with paint
b.      Frozen water
c.       Magnetization of iron nail
d.      Rotten garbage
5.      When you are mixing of vinegar and oil, the mixture consists of two layer. This process is a…
a. chemical reaction           c. physical change
b. Physical reaction           d. chemical change
6.      The process of converting raw materials to products in a factory is…..
a. mixture                          c. a combination
b. a chemical reaction        d. a physical reaction
7.      Below is a chemical reaction that produces gas, except
a. burning fuel                   c. photosynthesis
b. respiration                     d. rusting of iron

8.      If the proportion of hydrogen and oxygen in water is 1 : 8, how many grams of water and the excess are produced when 4 grams of hydrogen reacts with 16 g of oxygen
a.       18 g water and 2 g hydrogen excess
b.      18 g water and 2 g oxygen excess
c.       20 g water and 2 g hydrogen excess
d.      20 g water and 2 g oxygen excess.

9.      The following are properties of matter
1.            the particles can move freely
2.            the shape may change
3.            the particles do not have sufficient energy to move
4.            the shape is fixed
which the characteristic of gass?
a. 1 and 2              b. 1 and 4        c. 2 and 4        d. 1 and 3
10.  an example of matter that does not change its volume and shape is …
a. gas                     b. solid                        c. Plasma         d. Liquid
11.  When you spray your parfume in the corner in your room, you can smell a good odor in your room, because….
a.             The solid particles change into gass
b.            The gas particles move to any directions and occupy the room
c.             The liquid partiicles move to any directions spread out andoccupy the room
d.            The energy of particles moves freely

           P                                   Q                                 R

12.  The figurte above shows the arrangement of particles in some matters. Which of the followingsubstance represented by P , Q and R
a. sugar, hydrogen, water              c. Copper , Oil  , hydrogen
b. hydrogen , water , sugar           d. water, sugar and alcohol

13.  A liquid has density of 1g/ml and soliod with density of 0.24g/ml.Assuming the solid will not dissolve in the liquid, what will happen if the two are combined in a beaker?
a. the solid will float in the liquid             
b.the solid will be suspended half way through the liquid
c. the solid will be suspended
d.      the solid  will be sink in the liquid
14.  A crayon with density of 2 g/ml is broken become two parts
What will the densityo of each part of the cryon?
a. 0.5 g/ml             b. 1 g/ ml                     c. 2. g/ml         d. 4 g/ml
15.  If a metal is heated , it causes the metal expand to all direction. It occurs because
a.       the atom and molecules of the metal became bigger
b.      the atoms and molecules of the metal vibrate faster than usual
c.       the amount of the atoms and molecules of the metal increase
d.      the metal is a solid

16.  Study the figure above!
The experiment using the Musschenbrroek equipment above shows that the linear expansion of an objectis influenced by…..
a.       The kind of solid, the shape of object and the change of temperature
b.      The kind of solid, the shape of object , the length of object
c.       The kind of solid, the size of solid and the change of temperature
d.      The kind of solid, the length of solid and the change of temperature

17.  figure above shows  a glass bar that is made of pyrex with α of 0.000004/0C . The length of glass is 0.25 m if the initial temperature of glass 28 0C and the final
temperature is 68 0C , what is the expansion of glas
a. 0.004 m             b. 0.0004 m     c. 0.00004 m   d. 0.000004


18.  The figure above shows the change state of matter.Which the following undergoes process X
a.       the melting of ice
b.      the boiling of water
c.       the heating of iron
d.      formation of early morning dew


19.  Graph above shows the heating curve of ice.Based on the graph above the state of a substance at ( b ) during the heating is
a. solid       b. solid and liquid       c. liquid           d. liquid and gas
20.  Use the graph of number 19.
Based on the graph above, study the following statement
  1. when ice is heated the temperature and state of ice change
  2. the ice temperature does not change when it melts
  3. the ice begins to become fluid as shown by b
  4. the matter is in gas state as shown by d
Which statement are related to the graph is …
a. 1 , 3 and 4         b. 1 , 2 and 3   c. 1 , 2 and 4   d. 2,3 and 4

21.  Water with mass of 200 g is heated from 25 0C up to 450C, if the specific heat of water is 4200 J/kg0C, the amount of heat needed is…..
a. 168x105 J           b. 168x104 J     c. 168x103 J     d. 168x102 J

22.  Arya did an experiment in the laboratory to check a solution , he found in his bathroom.From his experiment , he found the characteristics of the solution as follows
  1. it turn red litmus paper blue
  2. it can transfer electricity
  3. its pH is 9
Based on the data the solution is ….
a. acid        b. salt               c. Neutral        d. base
23.  Shania did an experiment and found that a litmus paper turned red when it was soaked in a soft drink. It means that the litmus will also turn red if it is soaked in the solution of ….
a. pure water         b. salt solution             c. soap solution           d. orange juice

24.  The following table shows the data of several liquids
Gastric juice
Orange juice
            Based on data above , the substance that has strongest base( alkali) is…
            a. orange juice             b. blood           c. shampoo      d. gastric juice

25.  When you get a stomachache, you may use an antacid to relieve it.
How does the antacid work?
a.       the antacid is acidic , so it decreases the pH level of the stomach juice
b.      the antacid is alkalic, so it decreases the pH level of the stomach juice
c.       The antacid is alkalic, so it neutralizes the pH level of stomach juice
d.      The antacid is a paikiller, so it relieves the pain of the stomachache.


1. Physical change
The characteristic of physical change:
·         Substance which have changed can regain its initial form ( zat yang berubah dapat kembali seperti semula)
·         In a physical change no new substanceare formed
·         A physical change followed by the change in physical properties
2. Chemical change
The characteristic of chemical change:
·         Substance which have changed are difficult or impossible to regain their initial formed  ( Tumbuh zat yang baru )
·         In chemical change, new substance are formed
·         A chemical change is followed by a chemical reaction
3. Chemical reaction
Chemical reaction is indicated by the occurrence of the change colour, sediment, gases, or the change temperature.

One example or chemical reaction indicated by change in colour is reaction of whitewash and sulfuric acid.

The sediment formation, example:
HCL+NaOH                               NaCl+H2O

The symptom of a gas formation, example:
Magnesium+HCl                           ligh green solution + Hydrogen gas

The change in temperature, Example
The reaction of carbide and water.

Minggu, 25 November 2012


Praying Mantis

My mother tells me superstitions about praying Mantis. In Lombok’s people many people believe with one of way to detected disaster like see praying mantis in the house, store, and crawling on skin. In sasak language praying mantis is called “Belalang Sembah”, because it refers to its front legs which suggest the position of a prayer. If we see praying mantis in the house, so will be disaster like bring disease and bad luck. When there are guest come to your house, but you don’t now, may be that guest bring disease or bad luck to one of your family like your family sick or incident.
If you have store and you see praying mantis in your store, that means will be disaster to your store like trick and thief. If there are guest come to your store to buy something or work together, probably the guest will be disaster. Other people say if the guest buying something to you they will take more or thief, when invite you for work together, so they will trick you and make your loss. Many other people say, when praying mantis crawling on man someone skin, mean’s that will be happen something to him. Like my mother say if praying mantis crawling on skin, mean’s that will be happen something to your like bad luck hit by disease.


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